Past Schedule

Tutorial on Probabilistic Programming

When: Thursday 2019-02-28 10 am to 11 am

Where: ICERM 11th Floor Lecture Hall

Presenter: Daniel Ritchie (Slides)

Scribe: Theresa Barton (Blog)

Overview of Deep Generative Models and Discussion

When: Tuesday 2019-03-05 10 am to 11 am

Where: ICERM 11th Floor Lecture Hall

Presenter: Guangyao Zhou (Slides)

Scribe: Guangyao Zhou (Blog)

Flow-based Generative Models and Discussion

When: Thursday 2019-03-14 10 am to 11 am

Where: ICERM 11th Floor Lecture Hall

Presenter: Shubhendu Trivedi

Scribe: None (A related blog)

GANs That Work Well Empirically

When: Thursday 2019-03-28 10 am to 11 am

Where: ICERM 11th Floor Lecture Hall

Presenter: Omer Sumer (Slides)

Scribe: Omer Sumer (Blog)

Digging Deeper into Flow-Based Generative Models

When: Thursday 2019-04-04 10 am to 11 am

Where: ICERM 11th Floor Lecture Hall

Presenter: Shubhendu Trivedi

Scribe: Guangyao Zhou (Blog)


  • Chen, Ricky T. Q., Yulia Rubanova, Jesse Bettencourt, and David Duvenaud. 2018. “Neural Ordinary Differential Equations.” arXiv [cs.LG]. arXiv. link

  • Grathwohl, Will, Ricky T. Q. Chen, Jesse Bettencourt, Ilya Sutskever, and David Duvenaud. 2018. “FFJORD: Free-Form Continuous Dynamics for Scalable Reversible Generative Models.” arXiv [cs.LG]. arXiv. link

  • Zhang, Linfeng, E. Weinan, and Lei Wang. 2018. “Monge-Ampère Flow for Generative Modeling.” arXiv [cs.LG]. arXiv. link

Generative Adversarial Nets: Problems and Advances

When: Thursday 2019-04-11 10 am to 11 am

Where: ICERM 11th Floor Lecture Hall

Presenter: Jian-Zhou Zhang (Slides)

Scribe: Jian-Zhou Zhang (Blog)


  • Lei, Na, Kehua Su, Li Cui, Shing-Tung Yau, and David Xianfeng Gu. 2017. “A Geometric View of Optimal Transportation and Generative Model.” arXiv [cs.LG]. arXiv. link

  • Genevay, Aude, Gabriel Peyré, and Marco Cuturi. 2017. “GAN and VAE from an Optimal Transport Point of View.” arXiv [stat.ML]. arXiv. link

  • Daskalakis, Constantinos, Andrew Ilyas, Vasilis Syrgkanis, and Haoyang Zeng. 2017. “Training GANs with Optimism.” arXiv [cs.LG]. arXiv. link

Compositional Generative Models

When: Thursday 2019-04-18 10 am to 11 am

Where: ICERM 11th Floor Lecture Hall

Presenter: Jeova Farias (Slides)

Scribe: None


  • Kortylewski, Adam, Clemens Blumer, Aleksander Wieczorek, Mario Wieser, Sonali Parbhoo, Andreas Morel-Forster, Volker Roth, and Thomas Vetter. 2017. “Greedy Structure Learning of Hierarchical Compositional Models.” arXiv [cs.CV]. arXiv.

Computability of Conditional Probability

When: Thursday 2019-04-25 10 am to 11 am

Where: ICERM 11th Floor Lecture Hall

Presenter: Guangyao Zhou (Slides)

Scribe: None


  • Ackerman, Nathanael L., Cameron E. Freer, and Daniel M. Roy. 2010. “On the Computability of Conditional Probability.” arXiv [math.LO]. arXiv. link

  • Ackerman, N. L., C. E. Freer, and D. M. Roy. 2011. “Noncomputable Conditional Distributions.” In 2011 IEEE 26th Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 107–16. link